Making-Unmaking-Remaking Home in Lockdown Margate

By taking 10 minutes of your time to answer 10 questions you will help University of Kent researchers working on the project ‘Making-Unmaking-Remaking Home in Lockdown Margate’ to better understand the effects of lockdown on home-life in Dalby Square, Cliftonville. The results of this survey will be used to paint a picture of how home life was changed for households, individuals and communities by Covid-19 and the lockdowns.

Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary. Your answers will be kept confidential. No identifying information will be collected about you. Your survey answers will be pooled with the responses provided by others and used as part of the research project publications and presentations.

Your survey answers will be stored securely for the duration of the project on Kent University approved project site. Only project members will have access to this restricted and secure data site.

Non-confidential/aggregated survey data files will be securely stored in the Kent Data Repository (KDR) for long-term archiving after the completion of the project, with ‘Anyone’ access provided within twelve months of the end of the project (May 2023). Data on KDR will be licenced through Creative Commons CC BY licence, per University recommendations:

All original/Your survey responses will anonymized using UK Data Service best practice guides: Further information about the project can be found on the project website: and by contacting the project lead at

By agreeing to answer the survey questions, you understand that your anonymous answers will be used for the above mentioned research and in project outputs, including academic writing, news and opinion pieces and project presentation.

By agreeing to answer the survey questions, you understand that your anonymous answers will be used for the above mentioned research and in project outputs, including academic writing, news and opinion pieces and project presentation.

By agreeing to answer the survey questions, you understand that your participation is voluntary and that you can withdraw at any time from the survey once you have started to complete it.

By agreeing to answer the survey questions, you understand that no personally identifiable information is being collected, that your answers are confidential, and that you cannot be identified in any of the project publications and presentations.

Thank you for your time!

If you have any questions about the survey or if you want to learn more about our project contact or visit