Centre for the Sustainable Built Environment

Featured story

Dr Silvio Caputo



The FEW-meter project aims at measuring the efficiency of urban agriculture in terms of resource consumption, food production and social benefits. Each one of the five countries involved in the project (UK, France, Germany, Poland and USA) focused on a specific type of urban agriculture and a particular city. The UK gathered data from a sample of community gardens and city farms in London.


Dr Silvio Caputo



GreenME is a Horizon Europe project that aims to identify ways in which effective nature-based therapy and a broader green care framework can be scaled-up to improve adult mental health and wellbeing equity while contributing to multiple socio-ecological co-benefits.

Green care is a three-scale continuum from nature-in-everyday-life (e.g., the existence of green and blue infrastructure for viewing and walks) to nature-based health promotion (the promotion of active interaction with nature such as gardening and conservation) to nature-based therapy (the provision of treatment for individual patients). GreenME will use this framework to analysis the state-of the art of green care in seven countries and develop frameworks to advance such a current state.


Valentina Manente (PhD Candidate)



Using the same methodological approach, data were gathered from a case study sample in Bogota’, Colombia, Colombia. The analysis helped identify the motivation of the local farmers in undertaking the practice of growing food in cities, together with their potential for production. The study – a doctoral thesis – included also an innovative method to estimate of the potential for crop productivity and expansion of the surface area dedicated at growing food at a city scale.