Clothing, Age and the Body
The project explores the role of clothing and dress in the changing cultural identities of older women. In 2013 the book of the project was published by Bloomsbury 2013, Fashion and Age: Dress, the Body and Later Life. Read More.
Consumption, Babyboomers and Later Life
Undertaken in conjunction with Dr Shinobu Majima of University of Gakushuin and funded by British Academy, the research addresses debates on the role of consumption in the constitution of age, and the significance of the ‘baby boomer’ generation. It covers the period 1961-2011. Read More
Dementia and Dress
This project explores the significance of clothing and dress in the lives and experiences of people with dementia and their carers. Read More.
Dress, Masculinities and Age
Questions of dress are not confined to women, and I am planning to undertake further work that will explore the role of clothing in the lives of older men. This will address the changing negotiation of masculinities in later years, using the concrete materiality of clothing to explore gender and age as day-to-day embodied practices. It is sometimes assumed that men are not interested in clothes… Read More
Hair and Hairdressing in Later Years
The research explores expenditure patterns of women 1961-2011 on hairdressing using from data in UK Family Expenditure Survey. This shows the unexpected pattern whereby the women going most frequently to the hairdresser and spending the largest proportion of their income are those over 75 Read More.
Cultural Gerontology
I am editing with Dr Wendy Martin The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology due to be published in 2014. Over the last decade, Cultural Gerontology has emerged as one of the most significant and vibrant parts of writing about age. Reflecting the wider Cultural Turn, it has been expanding the field of gerontology beyond all recognition. Read More