Here are some suggested topics for PhD projects from our group members. These projects are merely suggestions and illustrate the broad interests of the research group. Potential research students are encouraged and welcome to produce their own suggestions in these research areas or other research areas in the field. All applicants are invited to contact the academic associated with the project when making an application.

Lifelong Learning in Cognitive Robots – Behaviour, Language, and Adaptation

Contact: Ioanna Giorgi

This PhD project explores how robots can develop advanced behavioural and language skills by mimicking the way humans learn and think. Inspired by child development, the research investigates how robots can start with simple abilities, like recognising colours or basic movement, and gradually build up to more complex skills such as reasoning, collaboration, memory, and even understanding abstract concepts.

At the heart of this research is the idea that robots, like humans, need both their bodies and their interactions with the environment to develop their intelligence (embodied and situated cognition). For example, how a robot moves, observes its surroundings, and communicates can shape its understanding and decision-making. Moreover, they also need language to unlock higher levels of robot cognition, enabling them to interpret, reason, and adapt to new situations continuously. This finds application in subthemes like human-robot interaction or designing/developing/instantiating theoretical models of lifelong learning.

Note: The project is supported by the Cognitive Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CoRAS) laboratory at the School of Computing

Multi-Robot Collaboration Through Transferable Controllers

Contact: Ioanna Giorgi

In a world where robots are increasingly relied upon to perform critical tasks, having multiple robots collaborate is key to building resilient and flexible systems. This approach reduces the risk of a single point of failure and makes it easier to replace or upgrade individual robots without compromising the entire ecosystem. However, effective collaboration requires robots to interact, share knowledge, and adapt to changes without needing to be reprogrammed from scratch and for every robotic platform.

This PhD project focuses on robot controller transferability – the ability of robots with different morphologies and functionalities (e.g., humanoid, mobile, industrial) to share a common cognitive model. This model would act as the “brain” of the robots, enabling them to exchange controls, commands, knowledge, and experiences. Using human language as a medium, robots can collaborate efficiently while keeping humans in the loop for oversight and decision-making. The goal is to create a framework for knowledge sharing in a resilient robotic ecosystem with human-in-the-loop.

Note: The project is supported by the Cognitive Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CoRAS) laboratory at the School of Computing

Optimisation of Queries over Virtual Knowledge Graphs

Contact: Elena Botoeva

Virtual Knowledge Graphs (also known as Ontology-Based Data Access) provide user-friendly access to Big Data stored in (possibly multiple) data sources, which can be traditional relational ones or more novel ones such as document and triple stores. In this framework an ontology is used as a conceptual representation of the data, and is connected to the data sources by the means of a mapping. User formulates queries over the ontology using a high-level query language like SPARQL; user queries are then automatically translated into queries over the underlying data sources, and the latter are executed by the database engines. Efficiency of the whole approach is highly dependent on optimality of the data source queries. While the technology is quite developed when the underlying data sources are relational, there are still many open problems when it comes to novel data sources, such as MongoDB, graph databases etc. The objective of this PhD project is to design novel techniques for optimising data source queries arising in the context of Virtual Knowledge Graphs.

Heuristics for Scalable Verification of Neural Networks

Contact: Elena Botoeva

Due to the success of Deep Learning neural networks are now being employed in a variety of safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving cars and aircraft landing. Despite showing impressive results at various tasks, neural networks are known to be vulnerable (hence, not robust) to adversarial attacks: imperceptible to human eye perturbations to an input can lead to incorrect classification. Robustness verification of neural networks is currently a very hot topic both in academia and industry as neural networks. One of the main challenges in this field is deriving efficient techniques that can verify networks with hundred thousands / millions of neurons in reasonable time, which is not trivial given that exact verification is not tractable (NP- or coNP-complete for ReLU-based neural networks depending on the exact verification problem). Incomplete approaches generally offer better scalability but at the cost of completeness. The aim of the proposed PhD project will be to learn heuristics for efficient verification of neural networks.

Machine learning systems to improve medical diagnosis

Contact: Daniel Soria

Research shows that machine learning methods are extremely useful to discover or identify patterns that can help clinicians to tailor treatments. However, the implementation of those data mining procedures may be challenging because of high dimensional data sets, and the choice of proper machine learning methods may be tricky. 

The aim of the research project will be to design and develop new intelligent machine learning systems with high degree of flexibility suitable for disease prediction/diagnosis, that are also easily understandable and explicable to non-experts in the field. Data will be sought from the UK Biobank, to examine whether the selected features are correlated with the occurrence of specific diseases (e.g., breast cancer), whether these relationships persist in the presence of covariates, and the potential role of comorbidities (e.g., obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases) in the assessment of the developed models.

Teaching Robots to Learn Like Humans

Contact: Giovanni Masala

How can robots learn from human tutors in the same way that children learn from parents? This PhD project explores how robots can acquire new skills, language, and behaviours by interacting with humans in a natural and intuitive way. The focus is on enabling robots to communicate using natural language from scratch, recognise verbal and non-verbal cues, interpret emotions, and ground the meaning of words in their environment.

The research builds on a neuro-cognitive architecture inspired by human learning, where robots gradually develop language and knowledge through experience. By starting with early language lexicons (such as those found in preschool literature), the project aims to help robots integrate visuospatial information and embodied learning to make connections between words, objects, and actions in the real world.

Key Features:

  • Emotion-Driven Learning: Robots will use emotional cues—such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures—to focus their attention on key tasks and enhance learning.
  • Language Grounding: Robots will learn to associate words with objects and actions in their environment, refining their understanding of meaning through interaction.
  • Embodied Intelligence: Instead of existing solely as software, the robot will be embodied in a humanoid form, allowing for real-world interactions that are critical for natural communication.

The research finds applicability across multiple areas, like personalised education, assistive technologies and collaborative robots, to mention a few.

Machine/Deep learning techniques in the medical complex domain

Contact: Giovanni Masala

In medicine, it is very important to accept machine learning systems not only in terms of performance but also in terms of the degree to which a human can understand the cause of a decision. Nowadays, the application of Computer Aided Detection Systems in radiology is often based on Deep Learning Systems thanks to their high performance. In general, more accurate models are less explainable and there is a scientific interest in the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence, to develop new methods that explain and interpret ML models. There is no concrete mathematical definition for interpretability or explainability, nor have they been measured by some metric; however, several attempts have been made to clarify not only these two terms but also related concepts such as comprehensibility. An example of a target (but other medical diseases are allowed) of this research is a model to discover the severity of Breast Arterial Calcifications. Breast arterial calcification (BAC) is calcium deposition in peripheral arterioles. There is increasing evidence that BAC is a good indicator of the risk of cardiovascular disease. The accurate and automated detection of BACs in mammograms remains an unsolved task and the technology is far from clinical deployment. The challenging task is to develop an explainable model applicable to BAC detection that can discriminate between severe and weak BACs in patients’ images.

Computational creativity and automated evaluation

Contact: Anna Jordanous

In exploring how computers can perform creative tasks, computational creativity research has produced many systems that can generate creative products or creative activity. Evaluation, a critical part of the creative process, has not been employed to such a great extent within creative systems. Recent work has concentrated on evaluating the creativity of such computational systems, but there are two issues. Firstly, recent work in evaluation of computational creativity has consisted of the system(s) being evaluated by external evaluators, rather than by the creative system evaluating itself, or evaluation by other creative software agents that may interact with that system. Incorporation of self-evaluation into computational creativity systems *as part of guiding the creative process* is also under explored. In this project the candidate will experiment with incorporating evaluation methods into a creative system and analyse the results to explore how computational creativity systems can incorporate self-evaluation. The creative systems studied could be in the area of musical or linguistic creativity, or in a creative area of the student’s choosing. It is up to the student to decide whether to focus on evaluation methods for evaluating the quality of output from a creative system or the creativity of the system itself (or both). The PhD candidate would be required to propose how they would will explore the above scenarios, for a more specific project. Anna is happy to guide students in this and help them develop their research proposal.

Expressive musical performance software

Contact: Anna Jordanous

Traditionally, when computational software performs music the performances can be criticised for being too unnatural, lacking interpretation and, in short, being too mechanical. However much progress has been made within the field of expressive musical performance and musical interpretation expression. Alongside these advances have been interesting findings in musical expectation (i.e. what people expect to hear when listening to a piece of music), as well as work on emotions that are present within music and on how information and meaning are conveyed in music. Each of these advances raises questions of how the relevant aspects could be interpreted by a musical performer. Potential application areas for computer systems that can perform music in an appropriately expressive manner include, for example, improving playback in music notation editors (like Sibelius), or the automated performance of music generated on-the-fly for ‘hold’ music (played when waiting on hold during phone calls). Practical work exploring this could involve writing software that performs existing pieces, or could be to write software that can improvise, interpreting incoming sound/music and generating an appropriate sonic/musical response to it in real time.

Using Soft Nanomembrane Electronics for Home-based Anxiety Monitoring

Contact: Jim Ang

Sensor-enhanced virtual reality systems for mental health care and rehabilitation. New immersive technologies, such as  virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are playing an increasingly important role in the digital health revolution. Significant research has been carried out at University of Kent, in collaboration with medical scientists/practitioners, psychiatrists/psychologists, digital artists and material scientists (for novel sensor design and integration with VR). Such projects include designing VR for dementia care, eating disorder therapy, eye disorder therapy and VR-enabled brain-machine interactions. This PhD research can take on the following directions: (1) Co-design of VR for a specific healthcare domains, involving key stakeholders (e.g. patient representatives, clinicians, etc) to  understand the design and deployment opportunities and challenges in realistic health contexts. (2) Deploy and evaluate VR prototypes to study the impact of the technologies in the target groups. (3) Design and evaluate machine learning algorithms to analyse behavioural and physiological signals for clinical meaningful information, e.g. classification of emotion, detection of eye movement, etc. 

Relevant publications: 

[1] M Mahmood, S Kwon, H Kim, Y Kim, P Siriaraya, J Choi, B Otkhmezuri, K Kang, KJ Yu, YC Jang, CS Ang, W Yeo (2021) Wireless Soft Scalp Electronics and Virtual Reality System for Motor ImageryBased Brain–Machine Interfaces. Advanced Science. 8(19). 

[2] S Mishra, K Yu, Y Kim, Y Lee, M Mahmood, R Herbert, CS Ang, W Yeo, J Intarasirisawat, Y Kown, H Lim (2020). Soft, wireless periocular wearable electronics for real-time detection of eye vergence in a virtual reality toward mobile eye therapies. Science Advances. 6 (11), eaay1729. 

[3] L Tabbaa, CS Ang, V Rose, P Siriaraya, I Stewart, KG Jenkins, M Matsangidou (2019) Bring the Outside In: Providing Accessible Experiences Through VR for People with Dementia in Locked Psychiatric Hospitals, Proceedings of the CHI 2019 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 

[4] M Matsangidou, B Otkhmezuri, CS Ang, M Avraamides, G Riva, A Gaggioli, D Iosif, M Karekla (2020). “Now I can see me” designing a multi-user virtual reality remote psychotherapy for body weight and shape concerns. Human–Computer Interaction. 1-27.

How creative are crime-related texts and what does this tell us about cyber crime?

Contact: Anna Jordanous, Shujun Li

The main aim of the PhD project is to investigate if crime-related texts can be evaluated in terms of creativity using automatic metrics. Such a study will help understand how crime-related texts are crafted (by criminals and by automated tools, possibly via a hybrid human-machine teaming approach), how they have evolved over time, how they are perceived by human receivers, and how new methods can be developed to educate people about tactics of cyber criminals. The four tasks of the PhD project will include the following: (1) collecting a large datasets of crime-related texts; (2) developing some objective (automatable) creativity metrics using supervised machine learning, targeted towards evaluating the creativity of crime-related texts (e.g., phishing emails, online hate speech, grooming, cyber bullying, etc.); (3) applying the creativity metrics to the collected data to see how malevolent creativity has evolved over years and for different crimes; (4) exploring the use of generative AI algorithms to create more creative therefore more deceptive crime-related texts.

Machine Learning with Fairness-Aware Classification Algorithms

Contact: Alex Freitas

This project involves the classification task of machine learning, where an algorithm has to predict the class of an object (e.g. a customer or a patient) based on properties of that object (e.g. characteristics of a customer or patient). There are now many types of classification algorithms, and in general these algorithms were designed with the only (or main) goal of maximizing predictive performance. As a result, the application of such algorithms to real-world data about people often leads to predictions which have a good predictive accuracy but are unfair, in the sense of discriminating (being biased) against certain groups or types of people – characterized e.g. by values of attributes like gender or ethnicity. In the last few years, however, there has been a considerable amount of research on fairness-aware classification algorithms, which take into account the trade-off between achieving a high predictive accuracy and a high degree of fairness. The project will develop new classification algorithms to cope with this trade-off, possibly using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, although other types of multi-objective optimisation algorithms can also be explored.

Relevant References:

[1] B. van Giffen, D. Herhausen, T. Fahse. Overcoming the pitfalls and perils of algorithms: a classification of machine learning biases and mitagation methods. Journal of Business Research 144, 93-106, 2022.

[2] Mehrabi, N., Morstatter, F., Saxena, N., Lerman, K., & Galstyan, A. A survey on bias and fairness in machine learning. ACM Computing Surveys, 54(6), Article 115, July 2021.

Information Visualisation Directed by Graph Data Mining

Contact: Peter Rodgers

Data visualisation techniques are failing in the face of large data sets. This project attempts to increase the scale of graph data that can be visualised by developing data mining techniques to guide interactive visualisation. This sophisticated combining of information visualisation and data mining promises to greatly improve the size of data understandable by analysts, and will advance the state of the art in both disciplines. On successful completion, publications in high quality venues are envisaged. This project is algorithmically demanding, requiring good coding skills. The implementation language is negotiable, but Java, JavaScript or C++ are all reasonable target languages. Data will be derived from publicly available network intrusion or social network data sets. Tasks in this research project include: (1) implementing graph display software and interface. (2) developing project specific visualisation algorithms. (3) integrating graph pattern matching and other graph data mining systems into the visualisation algorithms.

Visual Analytics for Set Data

Contact: Peter Rodgers

Visual Analytics is the process of gaining insights into data through combining AI and information visualization. At present, visual analytics for set based data is largely absent. There are a large number of sources for set based data, including social networks as well as medical and biological information. This project will look at producing set mining algorithms which can then be used to support set visualization methods such as Euler/Venn diagrams or Linear diagrams. Firstly, the use of existing data mining methods will produce useful information about sets and the data instances in them. After this effort, more complex algorithms for subset and set isomorphism will be developed to allow for pattern matching within set data. These set mining methods will be integrated into Euler diagram based exploratory set visualization techniques.